Location: United States

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Once discovery was showing the top 100 things to do or experience before one dies. I missed the most part of the show and saw only the top 10 or so. The top one was swimming with dolphins. I love dolphins but I doubt if that would be THE BEST EXPERIENCE one can have.

I recently saw a movie in an IMAX DOME. It was called Mystery of the Nile. Check out the official site . Though not a great fan of the Egytian stuff but the experience of watching a movie that fills the eyeview was exhilarating. It was like being there. Though the sound was not too great as most of it was probably written after the movie was shot and was mostly foley sound of water etc.

Another great experience which one MUST go through is the experience of watching a 3D IMAX film. If you want to read more about the IMAX go to: and type IMAX or List of IMAX venues etc. I know both the experiences are similiar but there is a difference and you should check them out if you happen to be in a city having such a theater. I saw the movie Aliens of the deep by James Cameron in Battle Creek and I still remember how much me and my friends enjoyed the whole thing.


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